react-navigation 6.x版本的安装、传参、navigator的使用等介绍(part2)。
在这篇文章中,我将介绍Native Stack Navigator
的使用以及Drawer Navigation
Native Stack Navigator
如果不想显示任何导航栏,stack navigator
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| import * as React from 'react'; import { Button, View } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createNativeStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
function HomeScreen({ navigation }) { return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button title="Go to Profile" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Profile')} /> </View> ); }
function ProfileScreen({ navigation }) { return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button title="Go to Notifications" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Notifications')} /> <Button title="Go back" onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} /> </View> ); }
function NotificationsScreen({ navigation }) { return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button title="Go to Settings" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Settings')} /> <Button title="Go back" onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} /> </View> ); }
function SettingsScreen({ navigation }) { return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button title="Go back" onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} /> </View> ); }
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();
function MyStack() { return ( <Stack.Navigator> <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} /> <Stack.Screen name="Notifications" component={NotificationsScreen} /> <Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} /> <Stack.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsScreen} /> </Stack.Navigator> ); }
export default function App() { return ( <NavigationContainer> <MyStack /> </NavigationContainer> ); }
里面添加headerShown: false
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| <Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Notifications"{% raw %} screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}{% endraw %} > <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} /> <Stack.Screen name="Notifications" component={NotificationsScreen} /> <Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} /> <Stack.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsScreen} /> </Stack.Navigator>
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| import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs'; import {NavigationContainer} from '@react-navigation/native'; import {createNativeStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); const Route = createNativeStackNavigator();
export function TabWrapper() { return ( <Tab.Navigator> <Tab.Screen name="首页" component={HomeScreenWrapper} options={{headerShown: false}} /> ..... </Tab.Navigator> ); }
export default function App() { return ( <NativeBaseProvider> <NavigationContainer> <Route.Navigator initialRouteName="Welcome" screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}> <Route.Screen name="Detail" component={DetailScreen} /> ...... <Route.Screen name="TabWrapper" component={TabWrapper} options={{headerShown: false}} /> </Route.Navigator> </NavigationContainer> </NativeBaseProvider> ); }
Drawer Navigation
Drawer Navigation
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| import * as React from 'react'; import { Button, View } from 'react-native'; import { createDrawerNavigator } from '@react-navigation/drawer'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
function HomeScreen({ navigation }) { return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Notifications')} title="Go to notifications" /> </View> ); }
function NotificationsScreen({ navigation }) { return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} title="Go back home" /> </View> ); }
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();
export default function App() { return ( <NavigationContainer> <Drawer.Navigator useLegacyImplementation initialRouteName="Home"> <Drawer.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} /> <Drawer.Screen name="Notifications" component={NotificationsScreen} /> </Drawer.Navigator> </NavigationContainer> ); }
在Drawer Navigator
返回上一级页面,或者使用真机回退手势实现页面的回退;和Tab Navigator
一样,同样也可以将Drawer Navigator
嵌套到Stack Navigator
假如我们希望使用Drawer Navigator
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| import React, {useState} from 'react'; import {ActivityIndicator, Button, View} from 'react-native'; import {createDrawerNavigator} from '@react-navigation/drawer';
const RenderScreen = props => { console.log('RenderScreen props:', props);
React.useEffect(() => { .... } }, []);
return ( ..... ); };
function SwitchScreen1() { return <RenderScreen props="默认" />; }
function SwitchScreen2() { return <RenderScreen props="类别1" />; }
function SwitchScreen3() { return <RenderScreen props="类别2" />; }
function SwitchScreen4() { return <RenderScreen props="类别3" />; }
function SwitchScreen5() { return <RenderScreen props="类别4" />; }
function SwitchScreen6() { return <RenderScreen props="类别5" />; }
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();
export default function BrowseScreen() { return ( <Drawer.Navigator useLegacyImplementation initialRouteName="默认" drawerBackgroundColor="#fda4af"> <Drawer.Screen name="默认" component={SwitchScreen1} /> <Drawer.Screen name="类别1" component={SwitchScreen2} /> <Drawer.Screen name="类别2" component={SwitchScreen3} /> <Drawer.Screen name="类别3" component={SwitchScreen4} /> <Drawer.Screen name="类别4" component={SwitchScreen5} /> <Drawer.Screen name="类别5" component={SwitchScreen6} /> </Drawer.Navigator> );